Work Employment
Self Employment
Self Employment
Work Employment
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Skills Marketplace
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Employer Signup
Benefits to Employer
Employer will create an account for use in management of biodata, job vacancies and finding prospective employees.
Employer will be able to browse various job seekers and skills in readiness for hiring, and consider hiring an employee based on qualification, experience, rating and references. Job Seekers are available at a click of a button.
Employer can be able to create Job Vacancies and consequently get job seekers' applications done on the platform. This makes recruitment process much easier
Employer can access contacts of a job seeker in the platform. This helps in networking and effective recruitment process.
Employer can boost or promote a Job Vacancy in a bid to improve its visibility and get more and quality applications.
Employer can get verified by SkillSoko. This gives confidence to job seekers who are bidding for the employer's listed jobs.
Once you sign up, you will get your login details that you will be using to access the application. If you sign up with a gmail or google workplace account, you will be logging in automatically through your gmail account using Connect with Google button.
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